Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I am not my brothers keeper


Another one From Scare Tactics.

" I didn't see shit...... nothin'....except for the fff......."
"Except for the what?"
"Nothin' dude.....NOTHIN'!"

"You want to f**kin' knock him out?"
"That guys huge. I dont want to get in a fight with him."


Scare Tactics

A Hidden Camera from the USA Sci Fi chahnel where they set people up to scare the shit out of them.

A member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals gets a temp job clearing out a lab where they performed experiments mixing the DNA of animals and people, and completely freaks out.

This is the coolest thing I have seen in a long while. Follow the link HERE .

I laughed so hard a little wee came out, as Jonathan Ross says.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hello Marika

Marika Wigham, late of Newmarket, now resident in New York, New York has finally got a blog of her very own.

You can find it here.

Visit it and leave some rude comments. :-)