Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Bush Imagine

Bush does U2

....and this just makes it worse (look at the post below first)

His blog is here

Matt Dancing

I am so jealous of this man........even his bad dancing

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Federation vs Empire

Top youtube mash up to answer the age old question of who kicks the most arse - Star Trek or Star Wars? Features an excellent slap-down of the Tie-Fighters.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"I am not here"

Bush drinking again?

Superman & Lois

Finnish Madman

So he straps a mini jet-turbine to each ankle, starts them going then jumps out of a hot air baloon at 2000 feet up in the sky.


But fantastic results.

Although personally I would have tied my feet together. If you have jet-turbine engines strapped to your ankles you really dont want them going in different directions.

William Shatner does Se7en

Starring William Shatner, William Shatner and William Shatner

Live News

As soon as a news-anchor says "We're going over live to...." it's always bound to kick off

You dumbass

In the dictionary under "Dumbass" it shows a picture of this man:

I love this

all together now:


Google Video

Now this is just wrong...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

David and Stephanie Mackie

All the posts below posted on 1st June 2006 are from the wedding of David and Stepanie in April 2006. start at the bottom and then scroll up for a rough timeline of the day.

Highland Warrior
click on pic for bigness

Colin and Carol
click on pic for bigness

First Dance
click on pic for bigness

First Dance
click on pic for bigness

Bobby (2nd from right) giving all his attention to his beer. I think he's trying to make it levitate out of the glass here.
click on pic for bigness

Much later in the evening. Nicola in full-on celebrity pose
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Action pic of my shy and retiring sister.
click on pic for bigness

Nice pic of Colin and Carol
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Nicola, Elizabeth, Mum, Jean, Carol, Lynne
click on pic for bigness

The boys again
click on pic for bigness

THE BOYS........Dan (my brother-in-law), ME, Bobby (uncle), my Dad, Jim( Grooms father an d my Uncle, Craig (cousin), Alan (cousin Elizabeths partner), Colin (cousin [my mums cousin really])
click on pic for bigness

Bits of the Mackie/Murphy clan (L to R) Lynne, Nicole (cousin Craig's partner), Jean (aunt, Elizabeth and Craigs mum), Mum, Carol (cousin Colin's partner)
click on pic for bigness

This is Irene's side of the family (My aunt, the Grooms mother)
click on pic for bigness

The Happy Couple. This is actually an action shot. Colin (mums cousin, partially concealled in a picture below) is on the left throwing a handfull of confetti. Sadly the confetti had clumped together, and in about 0.00001 is about to hit Stephanie in the face. She was ok. Hell of a welcome to the family tho'.
click on pic for bigness

Third person from the right is cousin Stuart, actor, currently in LA, whose website can be found here, and his entry on casting call pro can be found here.
click on pic for bigness

Blurry picture of absolutely no idea, sorry.
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Mr and Mrs Mackie walking up the aisle (actually according to my brother-in-laws best man they are actually going up the Apse....but thats another story)
click on pic for bigness

I was actually a lot closer to the front than this shot makes it look (I think thats the back of my dad's head in the middle there)
click on pic for bigness

Picture of the String Quartet who played in the church while people ere sitting down and waiting for the festivities to begin. I think they were a quartet anyway. You can only see three of them here. One may be hiding. Actually I think one of them was a ninja, so is probably invisible to the camera. Or is that a vampire? A Vampire String Quartet.....can anything be more terrifying?
click on pic for bigness

The Groom's guys (David the Groomis the one at the back standing)

[edit - no he's not, thats Stuart, david is the one sitting in the middle, sorry guys]
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(L to R) Elizabeth (my cousin), Alan (her partner), Jean (My aunt), Bobby (my uncle), Colin (my mums cousin)
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waiting for the bus
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the lake again
click on pic for bigness

Better shot of the sky in the water
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The sky reflected in the water
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Out at the back of the hotel there was a lake which was very peacefull to sit in the morning......until the irritating kids who were camping to go fishing were up and awake screaming like the gits they were.

I was sitting, reading, having an early morning smoke in the sunshine, listening to the birdsong when the little shits get out of their tent on the far-side of the lake and a booming voice immediatly comes over the tannoy:


I swear to God I was waiting for "YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS TO COMPLY!", and the sudden appearance of the ED-209.

Which wouldn'y have been too bad a thing as the little shits would have been gone at least.
click on pic for bigness

An Angus cow that lives in the ground of the hotel we stayed at for the wedding
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The Venue for David and Stephanie's wedding
click on pic for bigness

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Pay close attention

This one is really weird but cool. Make sure you read the info below before you view the video and turn up the volume if you can.

This is a car advertisement from a few years ago. When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.

Watch the front end of the car closely as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you'll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road.

Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide. If you listen to the ad, you'll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial.

Pink Car vs Tank

Pull up G13

Polar Bear Games

I cant be bothered to see if I've posted this before, so possible re-post.

Japanese girl wearing a Seal on her head taunts a Polar Bear who is clearly having none of it.

The 'Hoff

Christ, this is awful.

How long can you stand it before you have to rip your own ears off?


Star Wars DJ

Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist

Fantastic video and fantastic song

Water baloon popped in space

Screaming Bananas

This video does not actually contain bananas that scream, but seems to come from here according to Google Video

Dark Jedi Tom kills Oprah

He's the idiot


Missing Cat

Mad Skills Juggler

Sunday, March 26, 2006

BBC music box

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Sunday, January 22, 2006


Back to the Ninja again

Chuck Norris Facts

Contains all you ever need to know about the martial arts master, including the following gems:

If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.

In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.

Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.

Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its decendants are known today as Giraffes.

Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies
the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

And my favourite video of all time.................

Batman Concludes

She's American.....her name is Chelsea.........could this be the first internet sighting of Bills daughter?

What Jules from Pulp Fiction did next.............

Re-post to embed the video

Least. Fearsome. Ninja. Ever.

........Why would anyone put a video of themselves doing this on the internet?

Santa is a Ninja


I started off thinking " You are not a ninja, you are a twat." Then........

I'm sure Yoda said something about patience and practice....

Crazy Ninja Madness

Although I never knew Ninja's carried trampoliines around.

On a bit of a Ninja kick this week.


No I'm not!


Saturday, January 07, 2006

T-Shirt Folding

Nature's Ninja's

I just heard a report on Radio 4 news about the boars who escaped a few days ago (click here if you dont know what I'm on about).

One of the animal rights activists on the discussion panel said they wouldn't be easy to catch as "Wild Boards are Nature's Ninja's".

I am now looking forward to the inevitable stories next week about wild boars dropping out of trees wearing black and killing ramblers with throwing stars.